When, after a hushed conference, the dentist’s receptionist gave me an aspirin out of her own purse and offered to drive me home, I knew things were bad. I’ll be in better hands today. Husband will escort me to the oral surgeon’s office and care for me tenderly thereafter...
Day 57: Raising A Glass To Pauline
All it took was a handful of cheap chow mein noodles at dinner to bring my paternal grandmother right back to me. I’ve not had those little round crunchy ones — or my Gramma — for many years. We don’t get to choose, after all. Who knows what my...
Day 56: Life Hot-Flashed Before My Eyes
He is hale and hearty and rather full of himself, this guy from the city introducing the show. Wearing a trendy suit meant for a man ten years younger, he’s shaved his head to pretend he doesn’t care about going bald. He is taking credit for the musical we...
Day 55: Time’s Winged Chariot Is Parked Out Front
My mother baked bread right before the open house. She wanted the homestead to smell warm and inviting to prospective buyers. I don’t begrudge those guilders the house as much as I do all the time and effort she put into making that bread. After all, once you sell...
Day 54: I Was There First
Mimicry is not the highest form of flattery, despite what mother told me. Imagine my delight at discovering, when trying to open a new Mirth gmail account, that several variations of my website’s name were already taken! Years ago, when I registered the domain name, I spent endless hours...