I was accused of doing just that by a favorite faithful reader after I used “tail” instead of “tale” in my last post, referring to the story of a beloved stuffed mouse. Yeah, it was an eye-roller, although I prefer to think of it as playful. And I didn’t...
A Few of my Favorite Things

The Christmas ornaments I faithfully unpack every December are fraught with enough emotional baggage to choke the holiday spirit out of the heartiest reveler (never me to begin with). That’s not all bad, of course – Feelings Are Good, or so the self-helpists say. But is it any wonder...
All the Uses of This World
Finding life weary, stale, flat and unprofitable? Your iPhone can help! Dig out those hot pictures taken five years ago when you worked as a stripper (you can say “exotic dancer” if you like that spin around the pole better) and sue some rich old fart for grabbing your...
The Great and Powerful Parmigiana
“God was really watching out for me,” says my friend (weakly) from her hospital bed in the critical care unit. “I’m so very grateful to Him.” I bite my tongue until it bleeds. Seriously. I suddenly have that distinctive taste of copper in my mouth. I’m almost afraid to...
My Father vs. All Those Mothers Out There
Husband whispered something solicitous in my slumbering ear when he came to bed last night. After almost 30 years of marriage, solicitous interest is almost as sexy as the salacious stuff. Caring enough to offer a favorite ratty old blanket can be as loving as tearing the blankets off,...